LOTF 09: Roses and Rot by Kat Howard


"Stories of the Fair Folk are not at all then what we think of as fairy tales, those moralistic stories wherein evil is punished and virtue triumphs, that were set safely in once upon a time, and had happy endings guaranteed. True fairy tales are horror stories." —Kat Howard

Join Mackenzie Kiera and Lisa Quigley for a discussion of Roses and Rot, Kat Howard's debut novel.

 Show Notes:

Shout out to the This Is Horror podcast: We've been getting so much support from these guys (Michael, Bob, and Dan) and the immense generosity of this is not lost on us. Thank you guys SO MUCH for all the shout outs on the show and the shares on Facebook and Twitter. Your support truly means the world to us. Be sure to check out what they're doing on their Patreon.

Kat Howard's second novel: An Unkindness of Magicians

The Guardian article announcing the new Sandman comics


LOTF 08: Josh Malerman on Unbury Carol and the Bizarre Optimism of Horror


In this episode, Lisa and Mackenzie talk to Josh Malerman about his latest novel, Unbury Carol.

Josh Malerman is the author of Bird BoxUnbury Carol and others, including short stories, novellas, and plays. He's also one of two singer-songwriters for the Detroit rock band The High Strung, whose song "The Luck You Got" can be heard as the theme song for the hit Showtime show "Shameless." He lives in Michigan with his artist fiancee Allison Laakko.

LOTF 07: Ellen Datlow on Wonderland & Ocean Terror

Ellen Datlow has been editing science fiction, fantasy, and horror short fiction for over thirty-five years as fiction editor of OMNI Magazine and editor of Event Horizon and SCIFICTION. She currently acquires short fiction for Tor.com. In addition, she has edited more than ninety science fiction, fantasy, and horror anthologies, including the annual The Best Horror of the YearThe Doll CollectionBlack Feathers, and Mad Hatters and March Hares

 Forthcoming are The Devil and the Deep: Horror Stories of the Sea and Echoes: The Saga Anthology of Ghost Stories.

She's won multiple World Fantasy Awards, Locus Awards, Hugo Awards, Stoker Awards, International Horror Guild Awards, Shirley Jackson Awards, and the 2012 Il Posto Nero Black Spot Award for Excellence as Best Foreign Editor. Datlow was named recipient of the 2007 Karl Edward Wagner Award, given at the British Fantasy Convention for "outstanding contribution to the genre," and has been honored with the Life Achievement Award by the Horror Writers Association and by the World Fantasy Convention. 

 She lives in New York and co-hosts the monthly Fantastic Fiction Reading Series at KGB Bar.  More information can be found at www.datlow.com, on Facebook, and on Twitter as @EllenDatlow.

Show Notes: